Why we shouldn’t pursue Hydrogen cars and Nuclear Energy.



Every time things are done in the right way, life feels not just marginally good but by wayyyy significantly good. That is what is happening right now when people switch from gas guzzlers to electric. Electric cars are not marginally better, they are way better compared to gasoline cars.

If we just switched to hydrogen cars instead of electric vehicles just for sake of climate change,

Hydrogen cars would have never ….

…… become cheaper as fast as electric cars (because of high complexity in. hydrogen production and transport).

…… become as fast as electric cars.

…… become easy to switch from gasoline. (because of the need for hydrogen refill stations).

…… become maintenance-free (because of high complexity).

…… be charged at home or by solar panels installed on the roof.

…… become absolute off-grid.

In short, hydrogen cars would have become just a replacement for oil and nothing else. Everything still stands the same. You have to go to (Hydrogen) gas station to fill it up. Hydrogen just becomes as cheap as gasoline/petrol, not below that. Because it doesn’t have to. People will just think of hydrogen as new gasoline/Diesel. The only thing that

