Why countries like India will adapt to EV adaption faster than Western countries.

3 min readMar 30, 2021

As most western countries are moving towards renewable energy sources, currently there is not much progress happening in developing and underdeveloped countries like Indonesia, India, and many other countries of South Asia and Africa.

As solar and battery prices keep falling, EVs are not just getting cleaner but much more economical compared to their ICE counterparts(petrol/Diesel Engines).

It’s a bit sad because these are the countries which are most affected in terms of economics and development due to the ongoing pandemic and probably it’s the same countries which will be worst affected because of climate change too. It’s the people from 3rd world countries who need EVs’ economic benefits the most.

This (EV adoption in 3rd world countries) can … and may change much sooner compared to Western countries EV adoption because of low battery requirements and abundant sunshine.

The two main challenges in EV adoption for any country, are :

  1. Battery prices.
  2. EV charging infrastructure.

Few factors in favor of EV adoption for developing and underdeveloped countries :

  1. Low battery capacity requirements: Many developing or underdeveloped…

